EndZeitgeist 5-Star Review and Seal of Approval
Mystical: Kingdom of Monsters Celebrates 5 Years!
Happy Anniversary!
As of 2019, Mystical: Kingdom of Monsters is 5 years' old. Along with becoming an official part of Samurai Sheepdog, we have also learned a lot in that time, both in layout and design. Now, we bring all of that to you. In the anniversary edition, you'll find:
As of 2019, Mystical: Kingdom of Monsters is 5 years' old. Along with becoming an official part of Samurai Sheepdog, we have also learned a lot in that time, both in layout and design. Now, we bring all of that to you. In the anniversary edition, you'll find:
- Clearer rules on what it takes to capture, call, and recall monsters as a trainer.
- New trainer perks.
- New capstone options (master perks).
- Cleaner phrasing with archetypes so they play as intended.
- 3 never-before seen monsters.
- Cleaner monster layout
- Background information for every monster.
- Actual Size charts for every monster when compared to a 6-ft. (2m) tall man.
- Better organization of feats, with cleaned up phrasing so they play as intended.
- 22 pages of background on the Kingdom and its surrounding areas, including where and how to find monsters, rival trainers, and arena masters.
- Equivalent Monster Spell Charts for the Pathfinder Bestiaries 1 through 6.
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The Monster Trainer for 5e
Here is a link to our 5e play test of the monster trainer class. If you have any feedback, please feel free to reach out and let us know.
Celebrating Eastrek - The Separation of a Kingdom
Celebrating Eastrek is a hallmark of how far we’ve come since we started Mystical: Kingdom of Monsters. This finished guide has been updated to our modern standards and formatting, which includes simple monster stats, easily navigable sections, and detailed locations and NPCs to help round out any adventure in the world of Eldura.
Publisher Note: As with every project we update periodically, if you previously purchased the Early Adoption from Northwinter Press, that price is discounted away in the bundle below. This guide supercedes that content entirely.
Publisher Note: As with every project we update periodically, if you previously purchased the Early Adoption from Northwinter Press, that price is discounted away in the bundle below. This guide supercedes that content entirely.
- A detailed layout of the Coal Brush Plains region of the Kingdom. It was to here the idealists fled the Mad King in the west and built a new home away from his influence. Now they celebrate that journey every year when spring begins with a week of games, parties, and of course, monster training.
- Meet Miss Sandi, the resident arena master. She’s ready to challenge your party with her fiery companions at the Coal Brush Arena. Or set out to stop the local Thieves’ Guild Captain, Raen and her thundertusk companion before they can cause more trouble for the people of Freeson.
- Visit spawning grounds, dangerous monster zones, and the King‘s Gate, where the local reeves prevent everybody they can from passing through on either side.
- Find and capture 60 monsters, both new and familiar with new options and Challenge Ratings. Each comes with a special Eastrek trainer spell list and monstorin heritage traits so you can play one yourself.
- New perks and simple monster breeding through templates.
- Our collaboration with Whimsy Works brings the Wee Beasties into the Kingdom of Monsters.
- Look up monsters by CR or spell, discover alternate eidolon and summon spell options, and explore the Coal Brush Plains using detailed maps and random encounter tables. And more!
Mystical: Kingdom of Monsters on Facebook
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Haunted Eve - Guide to the Scribe's Marsh
Halloween may be over, but there is no reason you can't keep enjoying it! Return to Eldura, where you can celebrate Haunted Eve all year long with this latest installment for Mystical: Kingdom of Monsters!
Recognized across the land as a festive introduction to the Fall season, Haunted Eve is a full 7 days of children dressed as heroes, villains, and monsters in hopes of garnering candy from locals that they can eat and share with their companions if they have them. It’s also a special occasion for monster trainers to capture some otherwise elusive monsters lingering in and around the region known as Scribe’s Marsh.
In this finalized, updated version of the Guide to the Scribe’s Marsh, we take you on an in depth journey into the region, its monsters, and the people who dare to call it their home.
Detailed NPCs, including the local arena master Maurice, as well as a layout of the marsh, the town of Tenebros, and the outposts located where the roads lead into the area can be found; and, of course, monsters!
Recognized across the land as a festive introduction to the Fall season, Haunted Eve is a full 7 days of children dressed as heroes, villains, and monsters in hopes of garnering candy from locals that they can eat and share with their companions if they have them. It’s also a special occasion for monster trainers to capture some otherwise elusive monsters lingering in and around the region known as Scribe’s Marsh.
In this finalized, updated version of the Guide to the Scribe’s Marsh, we take you on an in depth journey into the region, its monsters, and the people who dare to call it their home.
Detailed NPCs, including the local arena master Maurice, as well as a layout of the marsh, the town of Tenebros, and the outposts located where the roads lead into the area can be found; and, of course, monsters!
Mystical: Kingdom of Monsters on Facebook
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Player's Advantage: Monster Trainer - Coming Soon
Don't just play a monster trainer, take the advantage!
Details Coming Soon.
Details Coming Soon.