Aria Longmarch
Aria is the youngest of the gods, having just ascended in the Age of Steel. During the first wars against the Blood Emperor’s undead hordes many brave souls lost their lives rescuing those weaker than themselves. One such soul was Aria Longmarch, a bard and volunteer in Xaotawn’s Living Militia. To save countless innocents who were hiding in fear, she began to sing loudly, drawing the undead to her location.
Aria’s sacrifice did not go unnoticed and as her soul left the mortal world she was accompanied by the wails of sorrow and prayers of gratitude made on her behalf. Hearing them, Aria refused to rest while others suffered. She turned away from the peace of the afterlife and let the chorus of those in need transform her into a goddess.
Now a divine being in her own right, Aria fills with beautiful music the hearts of those who would fight for what is right, no matter the rules or the cost.
Home: Heaven
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Edicts: Create music and songs that honor the fallen and that fill you and those around you with hope for the future.
Worshipers: Good soldiers, war pipers and drummers, musicians
Domains: Heroism, Honor, Music, Strength
Favored Weapon: Scythe
Symbol: A golden helmet with rainbow colored angelic wings.
Aria’s sacrifice did not go unnoticed and as her soul left the mortal world she was accompanied by the wails of sorrow and prayers of gratitude made on her behalf. Hearing them, Aria refused to rest while others suffered. She turned away from the peace of the afterlife and let the chorus of those in need transform her into a goddess.
Now a divine being in her own right, Aria fills with beautiful music the hearts of those who would fight for what is right, no matter the rules or the cost.
Home: Heaven
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Edicts: Create music and songs that honor the fallen and that fill you and those around you with hope for the future.
Worshipers: Good soldiers, war pipers and drummers, musicians
Domains: Heroism, Honor, Music, Strength
Favored Weapon: Scythe
Symbol: A golden helmet with rainbow colored angelic wings.
Blazoke, the Passionate Devastation
Blazoke was a genuinely crazed lunatic. In life, he burned down 4 villages and killed the innocent people running in panic from the blaze. It was a mob that finally captured and punished him for his crimes, sending his still-screaming soul straight into the Abyss to become a demon.
But the Pit held no challenge for Blazoke, either. He spent several human lifetimes fighting his way through other demons and making many enemies. When Saint Deirdren and Ursinaph traveled to the Abyss to redeem him, Blazoke agreed to join his former brothers, but not to make amends. Instead, he used his siblings’ influences to corrupt and destroy still more souls. This led to Deirdren’s fall from grace and earned the brothers the title of, “The Terrible Three.” With his angellic brother out of his way, and his devilish sibling there to point him in the right direction, Blazoke had a blast spreading chaos and fire in his wake.
Blazoke is a demon lord of passion and flames, screaming, and primal murder and destruction. His form is that of a man with skin of glowing bloody fire. He smiles and laughs through charred black teeth and wears clothes made of broken glass, nails, and shattered stone. His followers count arsonist, warmongers, crazed alchemists, and murderers among their ilk.
Home: The Abyss
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Edicts: If it’s yours, take it. If you hate it, destroy it. Let all know who you are through passion.
Worshipers: Barbarian warlords, maniacs, egotistical people.
Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Fire, Sound
Favored Weapon: Longsword
Symbol: A flame-covered, red demonic hand holds a crown too hard, causing it to crack.
But the Pit held no challenge for Blazoke, either. He spent several human lifetimes fighting his way through other demons and making many enemies. When Saint Deirdren and Ursinaph traveled to the Abyss to redeem him, Blazoke agreed to join his former brothers, but not to make amends. Instead, he used his siblings’ influences to corrupt and destroy still more souls. This led to Deirdren’s fall from grace and earned the brothers the title of, “The Terrible Three.” With his angellic brother out of his way, and his devilish sibling there to point him in the right direction, Blazoke had a blast spreading chaos and fire in his wake.
Blazoke is a demon lord of passion and flames, screaming, and primal murder and destruction. His form is that of a man with skin of glowing bloody fire. He smiles and laughs through charred black teeth and wears clothes made of broken glass, nails, and shattered stone. His followers count arsonist, warmongers, crazed alchemists, and murderers among their ilk.
Home: The Abyss
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Edicts: If it’s yours, take it. If you hate it, destroy it. Let all know who you are through passion.
Worshipers: Barbarian warlords, maniacs, egotistical people.
Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Fire, Sound
Favored Weapon: Longsword
Symbol: A flame-covered, red demonic hand holds a crown too hard, causing it to crack.
Brutus Peregrine
It is unknown if the straw hat-wearing traveling salesman known as Brutus Peregrine really is a deity or some sort of plane-jumping outsider. He doesn’t seem to know either. A friendly man, this human-like entity always seems to appear to adventurers in need of rare or powerful items with wares to sell. Stories of encountering him all say that he shows up in the most impossible situations—underwater, underground, walking out of lava in a volcano—and in even more bizarre ways. If questioned he never seems to know how or why he was where he was or why he was here with the adventurers at the time, but he always has good prices for folks who don’t annoy him with questions.
Home: Unknown. If asked he’s known to point in a random direction and say “Just over yonder.”
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Edicts: If there’s something in it for you, great. If not, make it so.
Worshipers: Salesmen, Those that pride themselves in being prepared, Bargain Hunters
Domains: Liberation, Luck, Travel, Weather
Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff
Symbol: A straw hat partially concealing a sack of gold.
Home: Unknown. If asked he’s known to point in a random direction and say “Just over yonder.”
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Edicts: If there’s something in it for you, great. If not, make it so.
Worshipers: Salesmen, Those that pride themselves in being prepared, Bargain Hunters
Domains: Liberation, Luck, Travel, Weather
Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff
Symbol: A straw hat partially concealing a sack of gold.
The Eldest
The oldest living being on Theia, the Eldest was an alkuaine; an elf whose physical being can be altered by proximity to the elements. As he aged, the Eldest also grew larger, as those of his kind do. He became so old and so large that the air on the surface of Theia was too thin for him, so he traveled into the heart of the world, where many of his kind believe he still exists to this day. Unfortunately, not even the dwarves are capable of surviving the pressure and heat so close to the world’s core to learn from the Eldest directly. Instead, those who know of the ancient alkuaine pray to him as a god, drawing on his vast knowledge and power for themselves.
Home: The heart of Theia
Alignment: True Neutral
Edicts: Learn, remember, apply.
Worshipers: elves, dwarves, scholars
Domains: Knowledge, earth, rune, ancestors
Symbol: A glowing tome at the core of a planet.
Home: The heart of Theia
Alignment: True Neutral
Edicts: Learn, remember, apply.
Worshipers: elves, dwarves, scholars
Domains: Knowledge, earth, rune, ancestors
Symbol: A glowing tome at the core of a planet.
The Heresies of the Dark
A vile counterpart to the Philosophy of Light, the Heresies of Dark are the collection of every evil and horrible event in the multiverse. It is unknown if there is a being or entity behind the Heresies but the crazed lost souls that worship it are tainted beyond redemption. Followers of this cursed path only wish to spread pain, suffering, and horror to everything they meet and are usually executed or stopped by heroes. Not much else is known about the Heresies of Dark as no sane mind can bear the sins of the entire multiverse.
Home: Unknown
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Edicts: Unknown
Worshipers: Creatures that want the very multiverse to suffer and die
Domains: Evil, Darkness, Catastrophe, Madness
Favored Weapon: Greatsword
Symbol: A mostly featureless face crying, eyes filled with anger, and screaming with glee.
Home: Unknown
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Edicts: Unknown
Worshipers: Creatures that want the very multiverse to suffer and die
Domains: Evil, Darkness, Catastrophe, Madness
Favored Weapon: Greatsword
Symbol: A mostly featureless face crying, eyes filled with anger, and screaming with glee.
Lady Shinzosui
The Goddess of the sahaugin, who gave them visions of conquering the surface world during the Age of Water. Lady Shinzosui is a mysterious deity who communicates to her faithful through cryptic signs and dreams. When the war with the land-dwellers failed utterly, many of the sahaugin lost their faith and forsook the temples to Shinzosui, leaving them unattended and empty. Recently, however, some sahaugin have returned to these lost shrines to find them cared for by krakens, sea serpents, and other monstrous priests dedicated to their former goddess. These sea terrors have taken to educating those in search of faith once more in the strict and cryptic ways of Lady Shinzosui.
Home: The Elemental Plane of Water
Alignment: Lawful Nuetral
Edicts: The darker the waters, the deeper the dive.
Worshipers: Sahaugin, intelligent sea monsters, scared sailors
Domains: Erosion, oceans, void, war
Favored Weapon: Trident
Symbol: An octopoid eye with an inky dark swirl at its center.
Home: The Elemental Plane of Water
Alignment: Lawful Nuetral
Edicts: The darker the waters, the deeper the dive.
Worshipers: Sahaugin, intelligent sea monsters, scared sailors
Domains: Erosion, oceans, void, war
Favored Weapon: Trident
Symbol: An octopoid eye with an inky dark swirl at its center.
The Philosophy of the Light
Not so much a deity or being as can be explained, the event known as the Philosophy of Light is a constant presence in the multiverse. It encompasses all good, from sharing to justice, to love to charity. Those that follow the Philosophy of Light vary as much as there are different ways to do good in the world but they all try to spread as much goodness and hope as they can all their lives. Some powerful followers of the philosophy claim that they have met beings born of pure goodness known as Avatars of Light. If these beings do in fact exist they seem to keep themselves hidden for mysterious reasons.
Home: Unknown
Alignment: Neutral Good
Edicts: Know good, love good, be good, spread good
Worshipers: Creatures that want to do good or seek redemption
Domains: Community, glory, good, protection
Favored Weapon: Dire chakram
Symbol: Open hands of different creatures circling a ball of light.
Home: Unknown
Alignment: Neutral Good
Edicts: Know good, love good, be good, spread good
Worshipers: Creatures that want to do good or seek redemption
Domains: Community, glory, good, protection
Favored Weapon: Dire chakram
Symbol: Open hands of different creatures circling a ball of light.
Rekej, the Smiling Friend
Rekej is a powerful wizard and was once a mortal gnome follower of The Philosophy of Light. After meeting an avatar of his “deity” and accompanying it into Hell to save the stolen soul of his best friend he found himself immortal. Rekej, like most Theian gnomes, is a happy being who tries his best to teach the importance of loyalty and friendship. Though he is a good god he teaches that even those wicked of heart need friends and that allies can help any soul find the light.
Home: Unknown
Alignment: Lawful Good
Edicts: Get good friends by being a good friend. Friends are family, protect them. My word is my bond.
Worshipers: Good friends, loyal lovers, teachers and caretakers.
Domains: Charm, Friendship, Language (sound), Magic
Favored Weapon: Crossbow
Symbol: A sword with the hands of four different creatures holding it’s hilt.
Home: Unknown
Alignment: Lawful Good
Edicts: Get good friends by being a good friend. Friends are family, protect them. My word is my bond.
Worshipers: Good friends, loyal lovers, teachers and caretakers.
Domains: Charm, Friendship, Language (sound), Magic
Favored Weapon: Crossbow
Symbol: A sword with the hands of four different creatures holding it’s hilt.
Saint Deirdren, the Hollow
Deirdren was the oldest of three brothers separated at a young age when their parents died in a house fire. Though he tried for years to locate his siblings in life, the man who would become a saint to his people never could. On the day of Deirdren’s death, a great light overtook his church, and he became an angel, dedicated to the Philosophy of the Light.
Deirdren’s newfound divinity brought with it the location of his lost brothers, but the knowledge broke the saint’s heart. The first was assassinated in Inekin after a business deal gone sour and was now on his way to becoming a duke of Hell. The second, his youngest brother, was taken to the Abyss to answer for his many heinous crimes and was likewise becoming an even more dangerous being.
Unwilling to believe his family could not be saved, Deirdren descended from the heavens and collected his brothers. He alone could save them. Whever transpired between the three, however, destroyed Deirdran’s faith. He is now little more than a being of regret, sorrow, and destroyed dreams, spending his immortality in a gray palace on the bank of a Sea of Tears. His only remaining task is to guard his brothers, preventing them from destroying themselves and taking Theia with them. Deirdren’s grim determination is what draws so many failed individuals to his shattered grace.
Home: The Abyss
Alignment: Neutral
Edicts: Learn from my mistakes. Don’t repeat them.
Worshipers: Sorrowful criminals, failed heroes, spurned people
Domains: Family, healing, loss, repose
Favored Weapon: Light Mace
Symbol: A priest’s collar, a guard’s badge, and a husband’s ring left in a puddle of inky water.
Deirdren’s newfound divinity brought with it the location of his lost brothers, but the knowledge broke the saint’s heart. The first was assassinated in Inekin after a business deal gone sour and was now on his way to becoming a duke of Hell. The second, his youngest brother, was taken to the Abyss to answer for his many heinous crimes and was likewise becoming an even more dangerous being.
Unwilling to believe his family could not be saved, Deirdren descended from the heavens and collected his brothers. He alone could save them. Whever transpired between the three, however, destroyed Deirdran’s faith. He is now little more than a being of regret, sorrow, and destroyed dreams, spending his immortality in a gray palace on the bank of a Sea of Tears. His only remaining task is to guard his brothers, preventing them from destroying themselves and taking Theia with them. Deirdren’s grim determination is what draws so many failed individuals to his shattered grace.
Home: The Abyss
Alignment: Neutral
Edicts: Learn from my mistakes. Don’t repeat them.
Worshipers: Sorrowful criminals, failed heroes, spurned people
Domains: Family, healing, loss, repose
Favored Weapon: Light Mace
Symbol: A priest’s collar, a guard’s badge, and a husband’s ring left in a puddle of inky water.
Theia, the World Soul
Worshiped by the natives of Hunatii and scattered others, Theia is the world spirit, the divine consciousness of the planet. Theia’s divine spark is relatively new; brought to life by the devotion of generation after generation of Hunatii cultists, druids, rangers, and shamans. Theia is young but ancient, new but old, and her rites focus on showing respect to the environment and the planet.
On Theia’s desires the native Hunatii have opened up their lands settlers and foreigners, attempting to learn more about other areas of their world to inform their deity about why she feels pain throughout her physical form. Strangers who stray too close to her shrines often anger her unknowingly, leading to her followers staging a cover up.
Home: All of Theia but her main body resides in Hunatii
Alignment: Neutral
Edicts: Protect the planet and care for the environment.
Worshipers: Those who look out for the world’s wellbeing.
Domains: Air, Plant, Sun, Water
Favored Weapon: Longspear
Symbol: An ancient Hunatii symbol for life, drawn in dirt.
On Theia’s desires the native Hunatii have opened up their lands settlers and foreigners, attempting to learn more about other areas of their world to inform their deity about why she feels pain throughout her physical form. Strangers who stray too close to her shrines often anger her unknowingly, leading to her followers staging a cover up.
Home: All of Theia but her main body resides in Hunatii
Alignment: Neutral
Edicts: Protect the planet and care for the environment.
Worshipers: Those who look out for the world’s wellbeing.
Domains: Air, Plant, Sun, Water
Favored Weapon: Longspear
Symbol: An ancient Hunatii symbol for life, drawn in dirt.
Ursinaph, the Selfish Slumber
The middle child of the Terrible Three, Ursinaph hated that he had no choice in where he and his brothers would end up when they were taken away. So he promised himself, then and there, never to lose that control again. For years, he manipulated, lied, cheated, and murdered to get his way. When fate finally caught up to him, it was in an alley in the dead of night, at the edge of a knife wielded by one of his conquests.
The climb up Hell’s ladder was easier than anticipated, and Ursinaph found himself under the command of a duke of Hell. He was given the form of a giant bear with reaven’s feathers in place of fur and gemstone eyes. In this animalistic shape, Ursinaph was commanded to sleep until called upon. Instead, he stole his lord’s wealth and left to become a duke himself.
When Deirdran found him, Ursinaph took the opportunity to sneak out of Hell. He hedged his bets when the two of them recovered their youngest brother, Blazoke from the Abyss. When the time came, he broke his older brother’s spirit, and the three of them have ruled in isolation ever since.
Ursinaph remains a devil. He is the lord of those who reap the rewards of other’s labor and hoard it for themselves.
Home: The Abyss
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Edicts: Take everything however you can. It is yours, and so too is it mine.
Worshipers: The corrupt rich, slothful dragons, those who seek power for no effort
Domains: Animal, Law, Nobility, Trickery
Favored Weapon: Greatclub
Symbol: A golden cup pouring coins and gems into a fanged maw.
The climb up Hell’s ladder was easier than anticipated, and Ursinaph found himself under the command of a duke of Hell. He was given the form of a giant bear with reaven’s feathers in place of fur and gemstone eyes. In this animalistic shape, Ursinaph was commanded to sleep until called upon. Instead, he stole his lord’s wealth and left to become a duke himself.
When Deirdran found him, Ursinaph took the opportunity to sneak out of Hell. He hedged his bets when the two of them recovered their youngest brother, Blazoke from the Abyss. When the time came, he broke his older brother’s spirit, and the three of them have ruled in isolation ever since.
Ursinaph remains a devil. He is the lord of those who reap the rewards of other’s labor and hoard it for themselves.
Home: The Abyss
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Edicts: Take everything however you can. It is yours, and so too is it mine.
Worshipers: The corrupt rich, slothful dragons, those who seek power for no effort
Domains: Animal, Law, Nobility, Trickery
Favored Weapon: Greatclub
Symbol: A golden cup pouring coins and gems into a fanged maw.
Valgyra is an ancient being, one of the first saurians to serve the kyver dragons during the Age before Ages. The interactions her kind had with the humanoid races over several centuries left Valgyra obsessed with them. How did they continue to outsmart the forgotten dragon flights time and time again?
This curiosity turned to resentment toward the kyver dragons for being so arrogant and underestimating their opponents. When the Collapse freed Violent and her ilk, Valgyra and a few dozen of her loyal lizardfolk offered their aid, but the queen of dragons ignored her saurian’s last attempt to help, choosing instead to live in exile for another 2,000 years, still licking their wounds.
It was the last straw. Valgyra used the kyver’s continued betrayal of her kind as the catalyst to welcome even more of the remaining saurians and lizardfolk to her cause. Using them as test subjects, she worked for another 500 years, combining alchemy and origin magic with remnants of the power that shook Theia all those centuries before. The captured divine essence that smoldered until she fostered it into an inferno of power and immortality. With it, Valgyra would rally the scaled races to her cause. Her subjects would go on to kill and harvest Sunset and his orange dragons while the rest of the world contended with the phaethos back east. To avoid notice, they gave the credit to Idon, who were too busy mourning the loss of Testament and the trojas to notice.
Another 800 years would pass before anybody dared enter Valgyra’s region of Inframundo. Now, tiny mortals calling themselves “adventurers” skulk around the edge of her territory, searching for her relics. But Valgyra’s ready, and so are her followers. Let them come, the Age of Scales will begin with the fall of man.
Home: Inframundo
Alignment: Nuetral Evil
Edicts: Do not let lesser creatures take anything from you that you have earned. The scaled races are superior.
Worshipers: Troglodytes, undead, evil lizardfolk that know of her existence
Domains: Artifice, death, runes, scalykind
Favored Weapon: Natural weapons or, alternatively, poi
Symbol: A deinonychus talon ensribed with purple runes.
This curiosity turned to resentment toward the kyver dragons for being so arrogant and underestimating their opponents. When the Collapse freed Violent and her ilk, Valgyra and a few dozen of her loyal lizardfolk offered their aid, but the queen of dragons ignored her saurian’s last attempt to help, choosing instead to live in exile for another 2,000 years, still licking their wounds.
It was the last straw. Valgyra used the kyver’s continued betrayal of her kind as the catalyst to welcome even more of the remaining saurians and lizardfolk to her cause. Using them as test subjects, she worked for another 500 years, combining alchemy and origin magic with remnants of the power that shook Theia all those centuries before. The captured divine essence that smoldered until she fostered it into an inferno of power and immortality. With it, Valgyra would rally the scaled races to her cause. Her subjects would go on to kill and harvest Sunset and his orange dragons while the rest of the world contended with the phaethos back east. To avoid notice, they gave the credit to Idon, who were too busy mourning the loss of Testament and the trojas to notice.
Another 800 years would pass before anybody dared enter Valgyra’s region of Inframundo. Now, tiny mortals calling themselves “adventurers” skulk around the edge of her territory, searching for her relics. But Valgyra’s ready, and so are her followers. Let them come, the Age of Scales will begin with the fall of man.
Home: Inframundo
Alignment: Nuetral Evil
Edicts: Do not let lesser creatures take anything from you that you have earned. The scaled races are superior.
Worshipers: Troglodytes, undead, evil lizardfolk that know of her existence
Domains: Artifice, death, runes, scalykind
Favored Weapon: Natural weapons or, alternatively, poi
Symbol: A deinonychus talon ensribed with purple runes.
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