Submission Guidelines
First and foremost, thank you so much for working with us on this amazing project! You can find the Google Drive folder to place your work in below. Please jump in before you are ready to submit so we can approve your access.
After you request access, Hal will get you added as soon as possible.
We have examples of each of the below for you to look at when submitting your own content.
If You're a Designer
Please upload your item in the Designer submissions folder as a .doc or .docx for easy readability. Each submission should include in order:
Content Format: If your content needs a specific format/layout, please include a sample of that format from existing products that we can use as a guide. For example, the 5e stat block for a monster is fairly distinct in how it's built. We will layout the content as designated across a 1-2 page spread and extended as necessary to fit everything in.
If You're an Artist
Please upload your item in the Art submissions folder at 300 dpi in an appropriate format (TIF, JPG, PNG). We also have access to Photoshop, so a photoshop file or pdf is fine if necessary, but not preferred. Along with the art itself, please include a text file with the same name as the art piece for easy reference. In that file should be the following:
After you request access, Hal will get you added as soon as possible.
We have examples of each of the below for you to look at when submitting your own content.
If You're a Designer
Please upload your item in the Designer submissions folder as a .doc or .docx for easy readability. Each submission should include in order:
- Title
- Names credited with any relevant links
- Company (if any) with any relevant link
- Company Logo (yes/no) with link if different from above. Add the logo itself to the logos folder
- System* (example, Pathfinder 1e, Cypher, Shadow of the Demon Lord)
- Suggested level or equivalent challenge designation
- Submission Content
Content Format: If your content needs a specific format/layout, please include a sample of that format from existing products that we can use as a guide. For example, the 5e stat block for a monster is fairly distinct in how it's built. We will layout the content as designated across a 1-2 page spread and extended as necessary to fit everything in.
If You're an Artist
Please upload your item in the Art submissions folder at 300 dpi in an appropriate format (TIF, JPG, PNG). We also have access to Photoshop, so a photoshop file or pdf is fine if necessary, but not preferred. Along with the art itself, please include a text file with the same name as the art piece for easy reference. In that file should be the following:
- Title of the content for which the piece is created
- The name under which you want to be credited for your work.
- A link to your work that we can promote/share
Q: How long should the encounter be?
A: Any length as long as it is a complete encounter.
Q: Do we have to do the layout?
A: No we will do the layout but please format it as it should look for your system you are writing for. If you're using
a non-d20 system, please send a sample layout for us to review so we can do your encounter justice.
A: Any length as long as it is a complete encounter.
Q: Do we have to do the layout?
A: No we will do the layout but please format it as it should look for your system you are writing for. If you're using
a non-d20 system, please send a sample layout for us to review so we can do your encounter justice.